Monday, January 20, 2020

New Release & Updates! Urban Fantasy Adventure!

Hiya peeps! First post of the year, whoot!

So if you're a part of my Facebook group, you know I busted butt to crush the NaNoWriMo2019 goal. I hit the goal with a writing sprint of more than 10k words in 5 hours, on the last day of the challenge. I was a little writing drunk by the end of that sprint, but I did it!

I spent December running through second and third drafts, having it edited, and prepping it for publication. I've had almost all my books release on the 2nd day of whatever month I publish them on, and made it this year to release this book on January 2nd!

So, my 9th book and first book of the decade, released January 2nd, 2020, is live for Kindle users!

My laptop kicked the bucket that day (luckily after I had the Kindle edition released) while I was working on the Barnes & Noble and Paperback editions, so I am going to be delayed on getting those done. Having to start over sucks, but I'll get them released as soon as possible.

For now, here's my newest release!

Blood & Embers

The Everglow Series, #1

Blood & Embers on Goodreads
~Genres: Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Modern Fantasy

~Length: 301 eBook pages

Ava has moved to yet another new town, in the middle of the first semester senior year. Being the new girl sucks, but Mountainridge holds secrets and monsters that outweigh her school issues. Her life will never be the same once school bully Kaen tears into her life like a wildfire.

Kaen's life won't be the same either, and his life isn't the only one that is forever changed by Ava coming to town. The secrets and balance he's spent years holding tightly are in danger, and he may not be strong enough to keep it together. He knows what he's hiding in his skinchanger’s heart, but he never would have guessed the secrets Ava didn't even know she had.

A witch's plot finally erupts, throwing the tiny mountain town - and the world - into chaos. Will Kaen and Ava survive her poisonous spells, or will the world fall into darkness? The future of humanity rests in the hands of those who aren't even human, to keep the light shining in the world.

Pick up a copy on Amazon, only $2.99!

I'm beyond stoked to have this book out, it was such a blast to write and it's a new kind of story for me. If you read it, I hope you love it! If you do, please remember to leave a review, they help authors so much and make the time spent writing pay off a bit more.

Thank you to my amazing readers, I love making stories for y'all!

Wishing you much love and light for 2020 ~ God bless!

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